How to create safe workspaces and reimagine work life after the pandemic, from our...
What will it take for public education to better adapt to the new normal?
How can businesses recovering from the impacts of the COVID-19 develop...
Dispelling myths and easing fears about COVID-19 vaccines
Myths and misinformation about COVID-19 vaccines grew so rampant on social media and on the web that many people have declined or postponed getting...
In education’s new normal, adaptation is king
In April 2020, the CARES Act designated $287 million in federal aid to Louisiana public schools, and East Baton Rouge Parish schools received $18...
How to safely disinfect your business and get back to work
The coronavirus pandemic, and the lockdowns associated with it, have brought many businesses around the world to their knees. Creating a safe environment for...
Maximizing value of the financial function in the new business environment
As businesses continue to recover from the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, strong financial leadership is paramount to both securing the resources to cover...
Why COVID makes estate planning more crucial than ever
Last March we labeled all of the following unprecedented: working from home, all work conducted in a remote environment, a relaxed dress code, attendance...