During this period of uncertainty created by the COVID-19 virus, Lake Urgent Care/Lake After Hours understands that employers have questions and concerns regarding ways to keep their workforce healthy and meet the needs of their business. Our partnership with Lake Urgent Care/Lake After Hours allows us to offer area employers an array of near-site occupational health options at 19 locations across Greater Baton Rouge.
Do you have an employee that needs test-based clearance to return to work following COVID-19 infection or quarantine? Lake Urgent Care | Lake After Hours will work with your business for all your pre-employment and return-to-work testing needs.
When you have an employee that requires a test-based clearance to return to work, please follow the steps below.
1. Complete and send an authorization form to Lake Urgent Care/Lake After Hours.
2. The patient (employee) will arrive at the clinic and inform our front entrance staff that they are here for return-to-work COVID-19 clearance. They will be given a questionnaire to fill out in their car while we verify authorization.
3. The patient will only be examined if:
a. At least 10 days have passed since symptoms first appeared.
b. Patient has been without fever at least three days (defined as 72 hours since resolution of fever without the use of fever-reducing medications).
c. Patient reports improvement in respiratory symptoms (i.e. cough, shortness of breath).
4. The patient will get their COVID-19 test results at our testing site (results take 15 minutes or less). Those who do not qualify for a Rapid COVID-19 test may be offered a send-out COVID-19 test with results back in 2 to 7 days.
For more information on employer services, please visit LakeUrgentCare.com. For FAQ on COVID-19 in the workplace, please read more here.