
Form I-9 compliance: The process and why it’s more important than ever

In January 2018, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) announced its commitment to increase worksite inspections and audits of Forms I-9; and it unabashedly...

Own land in the Austin Chalk? What to consider in a mineral lease

The Austin Chalk Play stretches across the state of Louisiana. Oil and gas companies are now descending on Louisiana to lease acreage to exploit...

White Paper Series: Do I need to trademark my company name?

You've formed a company and will spend many dollars developing and marketing your product or service. Once you file your company name with the...

White Paper Series: When are noncompete agreements enforceable?

Tom Easterly, a partner with Taylor Porter Law Firm, explains how assuming other requirements are met, a noncompete agreement is enforceable where it narrowly...

White Paper Series: Revisiting mandatory arbitration agreements

In May 2018, the United States Supreme Court issued a long-awaited decision in a trio of cases that concerned whether employers can lawfully use...