Lesson Learned: Beverly Haydel on timing and persistence
Beverly Haydel, president and CEO of Sequitur Consulting, shares one of the best lessons she's learned in business.
HR: What’s your strategy for retaining top talent
Tips from three business executives on how on to keep your best people engaged ... and remaining with your company.
HR: New Year’s mental health resolutions for employers
Employers should look internally at their own wellness. If you are stressed, more than likely your employees are, too.
Leadership: Mark the moment to motivate your team
Whitney Johnson: How can we discern our progress, when it doesn’t happen in big leaps but in small, incremental steps? We learn to mark the moment.
Leadership: Grit is key to your success
Jon Gordon: The No. 1 predictor and factor of success is not talent, title, wealth or appearance. It’s grit.
Mentorship matters
Having a mentor is important for every stage of life, whether you’re a CEO or recent college graduate. Three Baton Rouge businesswomen share their mentorship experiences and explain why mentoring is a building block for communities.
Navy Seal veteran Scott Daly’s ‘Elevate Your Leadership’ message? ‘High performance isn’t magic’
U.S. Navy SEAL Teams veteran Scott Daly learned at a young age that resiliency made more of an impact than raw talent when it...
Brian Solis: How customers are evolving, and how your company must adapt to keep...
The late, great Hall of Fame pitcher Satchel Paige is known for the quote, “Don’t look back; something might be gaining on you.” Noted...
New college graduates are getting career advice from TikTok
To the casual observer, TikTok is an app known for animal videos, choreographed dances or those weeks in January when everyone was inexplicably performing...
How to know if you’re really ready to quit your job
If you’ve been thinking about quitting your job, you’re not alone. According to the Harvard Business Review, surveys show that anywhere from one-quarter to...
How local HR pros are recruiting in a job-seeker’s market
Amid labor shortages, local human resources professionals are growing increasingly aggressive in their recruiting efforts, with some trying new tactics to entice job-seekers.
Hiring and getting hired in a post-COVID world: Free resources bridge the gap, sponsored...
With remote interviews, there’s no handshake to judge, so it can be challenging to get a read like you can in person. Prepare yourself to better navigate this new format for hiring. [Sponsored by EBRPL]
Preserving the school experience in a pandemic: The Dunham School leads by example [Sponsored]
While many schools and businesses are still struggling to recover, he Dunham School is actually growing. Find out how they do it. [Sponsored by The Dunham School]
Your future is in your hands: How to get the retirement you want
Find out how to retire on your own terms, before health plays a role in the decision-making process. [Sponsored by St. James Place]
BREWing small business ideas
Tips from the recent 10th edition of BREW designed to boost business startups and grow the entrepreneurial ecosystem.
How to fix your pandemic-related shrinking professional network
People’s personal and professional networks have decreased close to 16%—or by more than 200 people—during the pandemic, according to new research from the Harvard...
The end of LIBOR could change your business loan payments
It's time to pull out those loan documents from your bank, because an upcoming technical change to the way interest rates are set could...
Steve Forbes: 2021 offers window of opportunity for entrepreneurs
For small businesses in Baton Rouge and elsewhere in the U.S., the key to survival in 2021 will hinge upon how well entrepreneurs adapt...
Viewpoint: Companies must dig deeper to achieve DEI
Dima Ghawi: The importance of diversity, equity and inclusion and its role in building a welcoming and secure work environment for all is critical.
Viewpoint: 10 ways to minimize cybersecurity liability
Cybersecurity is no longer a budget-surplus item for Baton Rouge businesses; it is a “must-have” item as cyber criminals are getting more aggressive.