How to connect your new hire with the right people

    A standard operating procedure for onboarding is to front-load new employees with presentations and written resources, such as handbooks, e-learning modules or manuals. But as Harvard Business Review writes, some of an organization’s most important knowledge and expertise resides in people. 

    It’s important for a new employee to understand who knows what within a company and how all the people and groups fit together. Creating a knowledge map as a resource is a great way to accelerate that understanding. An organization chart typically includes individual roles and the hierarchical structure of your company, but can be turned into a knowledge map with added photographs, areas of expertise, achievements, skills and talents. 

    Beyond the map, HBR encourages managers to consider who the new hire needs to know to best grow in the new role. Some people on the knowledge map are more relevant to specific tasks or topic areas than others. The key here is to be selective, strategic, and intentional, and create a prioritized list of people the new employee should meet first.

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