In January, Orthopedic Surgery specialist and oncologist Dr. Shaun Accardo officially launched the region’s first clinic solely dedicated to taking care of people with specific bone disorders.
“This idea is novel for the entire region,” says Accardo. “We currently see patients from Texas, Arkansas, Mississippi, Alabama—all over the Gulf Coast.”
Dr. Accardo and his team conceptualized Baton Rouge Orthopaedic Clinic (BROC)’s Healthy Bone Program after seeing increasing numbers of patients who had fallen and patients with cancers in various locations of their bodies resulting in lesions that spread to their bones.
“Orthopedic-focused evaluations make sense for patients whose metastatic bone disease stems from cancer spreading to the bone,” says Accardo. “And with Baton Rouge’s elderly population, falls can lead to fragility fractures, a condition that can be treated so the patient can look forward to a better quality of life.”
Dr. Accardo, along with Physician Assistants Kasie Riley and Brooke Fenn and nurse Katie Gahan, are dedicated to helping patients with bone disorders find alternative, less invasive treatments and hopefully help prevent further injuries down the line. Their care includes anabolic therapies that stimulate bone formation, medication that patients can take by mouth, injections that work to rebuild and strengthen bones so that other bones have a chance to avoid breaking in the future, fall risk assessments, and if needed, surgical options.