Riegel: Reflecting on coronavirus and the new normal
I often think about the title float of a Mardi Gras parade I saw in New Orleans several years ago, in part because of...
Alford: No deadlines from the Legislature sidelines
As many of us already know from Schoolhouse Rock! and hopefully civics courses, bills are important to the legislative process because they have the...
Publisher: New school superintendent must be ‘the best’
The search for a new superintendent of East Baton Rouge Parish public schools must focus on but one criteria: Who is the best leader for the job?
Riegel: What rankings really tell us about the Baton Rouge economy
Recent rankings that have the Baton Rouge job market dropping 107 spaces basically tells us we're wedded to the health of the petrochemical industry.
Alford: Democrats have a legislative agenda, too
Much has been made in the mainstream media about the supermajority Republicans hold in the Louisiana Senate and the near supermajority they enjoy in...
JR Ball: St. George saga heads back to the Louisiana Legislature
St. George proponents claim what happens in the Louisiana Legislature this spring is more important than what happens in a Baton Rouge courtroom, but attorney Mary Olive Pearson says the issue of incorporation will ultimately be decided. by the state Supreme Court.
Alford: The Legislature’s need for speed
House Speaker Clay Schexnayder is quite the gearhead, having worked as a certified mechanic before managing and then eventually owning his own garage in...
Alford: The evolution of Louisiana’s budget politics
From 1992 to 2007, during the administrations of former Govs. Edwin Edwards, Mike Foster and Kathleen Blanco, the politics behind the state budget process...
JR Ball: The trouble with democracy in Baton Rouge
JR Ball: Democracy was never meant to be easy, but the brand of it on display in Baton Rouge is especially messy at the moment.
Riegel: Let sun shine on public procurement contract deals
Riegel: In Louisiana, there always seems to be questions about the awarding of government contracts; is that normal ... or the Louisiana way?
Publisher: Put young talent at the Baton Rouge power table
If Baton Rouge is going to grow and evolve in a fast-changing world, then it needs to get more young people in positions of authority and influence.
Alford: The make-an-impression session
Lately it seems as if everyone in Capitoland will have something to prove when the Louisiana Legislature convenes its first regular session of the...
Alford: The GOP vs. GOP dynamic
Louisiana voters began the process of fully embracing Republican candidates around 2007, as registrations revealed a weakening of the Democratic Party and special interests...
Alford: Louisiana budget process might stay messy
If you like your state budget process peppered with uncertainty, drenched in politics and caked with circumstance, then I have some tremendous news for...
Alford: The continued quest for independence
If the Louisiana House of Representatives has taught us anything over the past four years it’s that independence can take on many forms.
Four years...
JR Ball: The Baton Rouge year in all its lunacy preview 2020
JR Ball: As we enter a new decade, let's get a head start on previewing the lunacy that will be the news in Baton Rouge in 2020.
Riegel: The hypocrisy of a Donald Trump holiday message
Riegel: The Christmas message from President Donald Trump would have been nice if he actually practiced anything he preached in his holiday wishes.
Publisher: 2020 will be a long year for Louisiana politics
Publisher: With Democrat John Bel Edwards as governor, the state Legislature firmly controlled by Republicans and no compromise in sight, it adds up to a long year.
Alford: New Year. Who dis?
Someone around the State Capitol should invest in name tags, because they would certainly make a killing during the new term that begins next...
JR Ball: The trouble with Mike Wampold’s Harveston TIF
JR Ball: The Harveston mix-use development, like other projects by Mike Wampold, will be fantastic, but that doesn't mean it deserves a TIF.