ThreeSixtyEight’s Adrian Owen Jones on the link between AI prompts and leadership

    Adrian Owen Jones recently led a ChatGPT training with a small team. At the conclusion of the session, the chief growth officer at ThreeSixtyEight asked if anyone’s feelings toward the technology had changed. 

    Adrian Owen Jones

    One participant shared her frustration with not getting what she wanted from the bot, but admitted she had never considered giving it specific feedback.

    As Jones notes in a “Thought Leader” feature for Business Report, it was a revelation: This is exactly what she sees in struggling leaders—vague complaints about poor performance without clear guidance on how to improve. She swears it’s not a stretch. 

    Consider, for example, the importance of effective delegation required for both. AI’s success is dependent on the prompts a user provides. Well-defined step-by-step instructions and a well-defined desired output are necessary for success. Likewise, leaders on a quest for a specific outcome must break down tasks and paint a clear picture of the end goal.

    Real-time, specific feedback is also critical. As Jones notes, many people give up on AI after a subpar response or grumble about it, as did the team member described earlier. “But you’ve got to explain/describe what needs to change,” Jones says. “Leaders can’t just complain; they need to offer concrete ways to do better.”

    Get the rest of Jones’ insights here.