Here’s how much office space is currently available in Baton Rouge

    The post-pandemic struggle between employees wanting to work from home and owners wanting them back in the office continues to dampen office demand, Business Report’s latest Real Estate Report edition notes.

    It’s a nationwide issue. A recent survey of 800 companies conducted by Resume Builder revealed that 95% of companies in the U.S. have attempted to force their employees to return to the office, only to have them leave for other job opportunities or disengage entirely.

    For that and a host of other reasons, office demand remains dismally flat in the Baton Rouge market, according to a report by Branon Pesnell of Marcus & Millichap for the Greater Baton Rouge Association of Realtors Trends conference. The numbers are staggering, with more than 1.6 million square feet of office space currently available in the city, equating to a 31% vacancy rate.

    Get more analysis of the office market and check out the rest of Business Report’s Real Estate Report.