The attacks on the St. George Home Rule Charter (HRC) aren’t about policy. They’re about personal agendas and misinformation.
Some critics believe they alone should lead St. George and that only they can deliver us to the promised land. But our Plan of Government was written to prevent that kind of power grab. It ensures no one can rule unchecked—which is why they oppose it.
Ryan Heck is the chairman of the St. George Charter Commission. The viewpoints expressed in this letter to the editor are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of Business Report or its staff.
It’s unfortunate that some refuse to work together. I wish they had attended the public meetings where we crafted the HRC, but they never showed up. Instead, they attack a plan they didn’t even try to help shape.
Now, they’re doing everything they can to tear it all down out of spite—using others to spread falsehoods and confusion.
Take Rolfe McCollister’s recent column. He was fed bad information, and he ran with it without fact-checking. Not one elected official or Home Rule Council member was contacted before this misleading attack piece.
Here are the facts:
St. George currently operates under the Lawrason Act, a rigid system that limits our ability to govern effectively. The HRC creates a Council-Manager system—a professional approach that ensures expert leadership and fiscal responsibility.
Critics claim redundancy in services, but that’s false. The City Manager will determine the most cost-effective approach—whether that’s keeping contracts or bringing services in-house. That’s how smart cities operate.
The salary controversy? Manufactured drama. After public input, the Mayor’s salary was reduced to $160,000, with council members receiving $36,000—appropriate for a city of 86,000 residents.
Most importantly, the charter ensures accountability—balanced budgets, independent audits, and voter approval for tax increases.
St. George isn’t Central, and it shouldn’t be. We are building the best city in Louisiana—one that businesses will want to invest in.
Don’t let misinformation and personal grudges dictate our future. Vote YES on March 29.
Ryan Heck
Chair, St. George Charter Commission