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A pair of legislative bills would alter the makeup and control of BREC

BREC's Liberty Lagoon (File photo)

A pair of bills filed Thursday could drastically change the way BREC operates.

Republican State Rep. Dixon McMakin of Baton Rouge filed House Bill 86 that would reduce the number of BREC commissioners, while House Bill 87, would restructure the system and move it under the city-parish government umbrella.

HB86 reduces the BREC Commission from nine members to five. Those five would be the mayors of Baker, Baton Rouge, Central, St. George and Zachary. Under the proposed bill, three members would constitute a quorum.

If the bill becomes law, the terms of the current commission members would end, though they would be allowed to remain on until the transition is made.

BREC currently operates as a subdivision of the state to plan, own and operate public recreational and park facilities in the parish. HB87 proposes to repeal the present law, allowing the system to be transferred to the city-parish government as a department.


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