Home Business Advice from local experts on how to enhance your company’s social media

Advice from local experts on how to enhance your company’s social media


In today’s digital landscape, a strong social media presence isn’t just a perk for local businesses—it’s a game changer.

As more Baton Rouge companies aim to expand their reach, many are partnering with social media specialists to elevate their marketing strategies. To give business leaders a crash course, Daily Report connected with four social media experts: Maameefua Koomson of Quirk-E Creative, Jordan Basham of Wheretogeaux225, Jase Augustus of JCB Media, and Katrina Liza of Socially225. These pros share their insights on leveraging social media to fuel business growth. Dive into the Q&A below to learn from the best in the business.

How do local businesses get it wrong?

Koomson: One of the biggest mistakes I see is inconsistent posting and not fully understanding the audience. If (visitors) can’t find an active page, they’ll assume the business is closed or go elsewhere. Many business owners post what they like, but you need to think about what your ideal customer wants. Social media is about building a community, not just selling every day. Show how your product solves a problem in different, engaging ways, and you’ll build a loyal customer base.

Liza: A lot of local businesses think they can just toss any old post onto their feed and it’ll magically attract customers. They often forget to engage with their audience. If someone comments, don’t leave them hanging. Respond. 

Is crafting a social media strategy a must-do?

Basham: A defined social media strategy is crucial. Without it, businesses often post randomly and miss opportunities to engage their audience effectively. It’s like throwing spaghetti at the wall and hoping something sticks. When you have a plan, you can focus on your goals, whether that’s increasing brand awareness or driving traffic to your store. A good strategy helps you stay organized and consistent, making it easier to connect with your community.  

How key is content quality for social media success?

Koomson: I tell my clients we need to create “thumb-stopping” content—something that makes people stop scrolling. An example I often see is restaurants posting dull photos of their food. Just using natural light or cleaning the camera lens can make a huge difference. While professional photos are great, most of my clients see amazing results with phone content when it’s done right. It’s about capturing what resonates with your audience and helps achieve your business goals.

Do paid promotions make a difference?

Koomson: Paid promotions can be a great tool, but it’s important to get it right. My company focuses on organic growth, and it’s totally possible to grow your audience without ads. However, paid posts can boost your reach when used strategically. For example, if a post is already performing well organically, it could be worth turning into a paid ad. But throwing money at a post that’s not resonating won’t magically bring in customers. I always recommend working with a professional to make the most of your ad spend. 

Liza: Paid promotions are a game changer. Organic reach is cute, but it won’t get you far, especially for local businesses. Investing in targeted ads is like giving your posts a superpower, helping you reach potential customers who wouldn’t find you otherwise.

Break down for us what an effective social media marketing looks like.

Koomson: You need balanced content pillars. These are the core topics that represent your brand. For most businesses, the main pillar is promotional, but you need other pillars like education (explaining what your product does) and entertaining (showing personality). When customers see more than just “buy this,” they start to understand and support your business vision. Personality helps your brand stand out and makes it easier for potential customers to connect with you. 

Basham: Make sure your visuals are high-quality and reflect your brand’s vibe. Use local hashtags and tag other businesses or events in Baton Rouge to help build community and expand your reach.  

Parting advice for business owners who want to step up their social media game?

Koomson: Listen to your customers. Step out of business owner mode and think like a consumer. Pay attention to comments, DMs, and the types of content that get the most engagement. Consistently refining your approach based on what resonates will guide you in the right direction.

Basham: You can’t just focus on flashy social media and expect customers to flood in if their experience once they walk through the door is lacking. Marketing is a full-circle effort. If your service or product quality doesn’t match your marketing, not only will those customers leave disappointed, but you’ll also get worse reviews, creating a vicious cycle. To succeed, ensure your marketing aligns with what you actually offer, so you can draw customers in and keep them coming back.

Augustus: Get started as soon as you can. Every business owner I’ve ever talked to is super analytical. They get analysis paralysis because they are judging their content so hard. The truth is the imperfections in your content are what make your content authentic. Imperfections and authenticity will draw people to your business.

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