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    This new state law helps clear up any ambiguity over workplace harassment

    A new Louisiana law makes it more explicit that nondisclosure agreements signed as a condition of employment cannot be used to cover up sexual harassment and hostile acts in the workplace, Louisiana Illuminator reports. 

    House Bill 161, sponsored by Rep. Michael Bayham, R-Chalmette, takes effect Aug. 1 and mirrors a federal law already in place to prevent employee harassment, sexual or otherwise. 

    While the behavior addressed in the new state statute is already illegal, supporters say Bayham’s measure will make it more clear what employees shouldn’t tolerate. 

    “Notwithstanding any provision of law to the contrary, no nondisclosure clause required by an employer and agreed to prior to a hostile work environment dispute or sexual harassment dispute shall be judicially enforceable,” reads the law. 

    Bayham brought the legislation after being approached by people who were dealing with inappropriate workplace behavior but did not want to come forward about their problems because of nondisclosure agreements they had signed. 

    Read the full story. 


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